If your node is not in the right place, it makes it harder for others to find. A node also is a formal presentation of your work, and allows users to review your work before downloading. It is important your content is presented nicely if you would like people to review it and download it. Refer to the User's Guide for tips on how to fix this.
When possible, you should use an Open Source Initiative approved license. DO NOT use another person's work without permission! If this is not the case, read the comment of an Administrator or Moderator on your node that explains the licensing issue.
Refer to the Packaging Guide for information on how to fix this.
The site maintains a strict policy of only having content that is of value to the public in some way. Content should be thoroughly worked on before submission, and a node will be unpublished if something remains seriously wrong with it for a long period of time.
Refer to the Packaging Guide for information on how to fix this.
Screenshots let people get a feel for your work, and is the most important part of a node. They should be the correct size, and have no heads up display elements. Refer to the User's Guide for information on how to fix this.