Suicizer | 2011-03-03 10:56
How to create an .obj-file from basic geometry in Sauerbraten.
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 (3 votes)

Because it seems to be pretty tough for people to create models from basic geometry in Sauerbraten, here are some steps to create your own models!

I'm considering you already know how to create a map inside Sauerbraten, so I won't put anything about that in the tutorial.
I'm also considering you're using the windows version of Sauerbraten, installed on it's default way. So do me a favour and don't ask about how to create a model using mac, linux, or any other OS.

1. First start up Sauerbraten on your regular way.

2. Press /newmap when your able to, after Sauerbraten loaded all files, etc.

3. Create some basic geometry, like a simple cube (just as test).

4. Delete any other geometry that's inside the map, except that cube.

5. Press /writeobj cube. After you did that, an .obj-file and a .mtl-file will be written by Sauerbraten in it's main-folder (called cube)

6. Quit Sauerbraten or just go "out-game" and move to the models folder which is in the packages folder.

7. Create a new folder inside the models folder, called cubic.

8. Move to the main Sauerbraten folder and copy the .obj-file and .mtl-file (which are named cube).

9. Paste both files (the .obj-file and the .mtl-file) inside the cubic folder, which you just created some steps ago.

10. Create the required configuration-file for the model (obj.cfg) by using notepad (or any other program you prefer). I'll attach my "prefab" for an .obj-file which takes only 1 texture (no bump-, spec- or glowmaps attached, just for simplicity) on this content.

11. Create your own texture (or just use already existing textures, like I did).

12. Start up Sauerbraten or go "ingame" again.

13. Press /newmap again and go into edit-mode.

14. Press /mmodel cubic

15. Press /newent mapmodel 170

16. Watch your own created model!

There are some limitations for .obj-files in Sauerbraten as:
- You can attach several textures to an .obj-file (exclusive the bump-mapped texture and masks), as their textureslots are being signed as a group of surfaces that carry the same texture. Due this, they can be called up when specifying the right slot and assigning a texture to that slot.

The .mtl-file preserves the textures and their paths that can't be loaded within Sauerbraten, but they can by other modeling programs. That's why it's recommended not to throw it away.

- You can't link several meshes together like a .md3-file or an .md5-file does (neither by using the configuration file of the model). You can only "link" them manually by positioning both models on a certain position so they looked linked together.

- You can't load a separate glow- or specular-mapped texture (neither for a .md2 .md3 or .md5-file), so glow- and specular-mapped texture should be 1 file (called commonly "masks"). Height-mapped textures aren't being supported at all, for any model format.

- If you have changed certain commands in the model's configuration file), it won't load the changes until you have restarted Sauerbraten entirely (so don't start up your map again, it won't have effect in some situations).

- Animations aren't supported on .obj-files (unlike .md2 .md3 and .md5). However, texture-animation should still be loaded (as by ojbscroll or objglow).

Grammar and spelling will be updated! I'll also try to add images (if I know how) on each step...

3th of March 2011
- Images has been added to the content. Click on the number of the step to view the image.
- I've attached my own cube (with "prefab" cfg) to this content, so if you still have any problems, download it and observe it's configuration file.

11th of October 2011
- An animation that has been copied from the rocket-hudgun which is in the assassin- and ctf-edition and pasted into the prefab.cfg (skinscroll and water-animation). I haven't been able yet to make it work by using an .obj-file, but maybe you can?
- Updated spelling.
- Updated the obj.cfg of the model.

29th of July 2012
Changed the layout of the content and swept up some statements which were not clear or untrue.

 (3 votes)
cubic_obj_tutorial_11oct11.zip9.8 KB
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