theintercooler | 2012-07-01 13:12
Revelade Revolution *Updated 2/7/17*
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 (10 votes)
This content is compatible with older edition(s) of the game it was made for, and is not guaranteed to work with the current or development versions.
Revelade Revolution is a post-apocalyptic zombie survival game, where you have limited health and ammo.


Revelade is a virus in the form of a drug which causes human gene degradation. A secret organization was working on a developing an improved version of revelade, and they succeeded.

Unfortunately, the organization was infiltrated and the drug was stolen. Every government agency in the world was put on high alert. Little did they know that the drug was highly contagious and was already being distributed in the water reserviors of every major city in the world.

On March 15, 2022, the world as we know it was over. Nuclear weapons became in fashion, hundreds of cities were destroyed, but to no avail. The virus had already spread into the majority of human population and it was just a matter of time. Everyone knew apocalypse was near.

The human gene had degraded so much that every human being on the planet turned into a zombie, well almost everyone. There was small group of survivors who called themselves The Forgotten Ones, these survivors seem to posses immunity against this virus, but no one knows the secret behind it. Now their duty is to withhold their bases long enough for them to regenerate and create an immune generation which in turn will take back the world and restore the human civilization to the way it was.

Are you up to the task of saving the world?

Weapon Features:

Primary and Secondary Weapons – All weapons in-game (except for chainsaw) have a primary and secondary weapon attack mode making game play that much more interesting.

Rocket launcher – Direct fire rounds and guided missiles
Flamethrower – Blast fire which does damage over time and can be used as a jetpack
Pistol – Single shot and 3 shot burst
Shotgun – Buck shot and grenade launcher
Grande launcher – bouncing bombs and landmines
Sniper rifle – Long range shoots and exploding bullets
Cross bow - Long range shoots and bouncing circular saw blades
Assault Gun - Raid fire in a large area and controlled stream of bullets
Healing Gun – Heals team mates and does damage to non team mates

Classes: Revelade Revolution also offers different player classes. Each class offers their own weapons as well as health, armor and speed buffs.

Offensive– Sniper rifle, Shotgun, Chainsaw. Health 100, armor 50, max speed 100
Defensive– Rocket launcher, Assault Rifle, Chainsaw. Health 120, armour 60 max speed 95.
Stealth– Flame Thrower, Crossbow, Chainsaw. Health 80, armour 40, max speed 115.
Medic - Health gun, Crossbow, Pistol. Health 100, armour 50, max speed 100.

**New Player Models**


Update Alpha 4


 Bug #50: Lowest cn always starts as zombie in infection mode
 Bug #51: Master menu crashes in infection game mode
 Bug #55: Color becomes red after bot name
 Bug #56: Fix game mode descriptions
 Bug #68: Log date and time in log file
 Bug #73: No team crosshair in survival
 Bug #74: Jump sound in the Main menu
 Bug #78: Update reinc.cfg


 Feature #49: Disable health items in infection
 Feature #52: Give medics the ability to see other player's health
 Feature #53: Display progress bar above bases in capture
 Feature #54: Reduce the maximum amount of rockets that one is able to hold
 Feature #59: Add some hud popup to make it more clear when you have killed someone
 Feature #60: Don't give medics an unfair advantage to spot players
 Feature #61: Cap the maximum amount of time a sniper can "Infrared scope"
 Feature #62: Make the sniper "Infrared scope" use team colors
 Feature #64: Rename the crosshair vars to be more descriptive
 Feature #66: Add FOV slider
 Feature #67: Add hudevent icons
 Feature #69: better game mode selection
 Feature #72: Apply the following patches for mac compatibility
 Feature #79: change headshot message for zombies
 Feature #90: New models ready for inclusion
 Cleaned and centered loading page
 Vweps (now in IQM format)


 Player model(s): Swat and Thief
 Hud arms: Swat hands and Thief hands
 Weapon: Mortar and Knife
 Weapon Model(s): Pistol, Crossbow, Flamethrower
 Game model(s): Health pickup,
 Sound(s): Knife, Jump and Crossbow


After fighting off the waves and waves of zombies and other survivors we are now looking for some help. We feel that our game is at a point now that game play itself is good and our features are bountiful. What we need is people interested in revamping exciting maps or creating new and exciting ones.

Whats in it for you?

Besides the feeling of joy and warm fuzzes that a map you made is in a game you will also get credit on our games "Read Me" and a "Thank you" in game item (We are working on a few ideas).

What we need

If you have played RR before you will see that we have many different game types (Capture The Flag, Free For All, Co-op Survival and more). What we are looking for is either maps designed for one of these game types or they can be maps that are designed for more then one type. We are looking for detailed and quality maps that will provide hours of game play for everyone.

Got an idea for a mod instead of a map?

That's great too! If you have an idea for a game mod or enhancement feel free to upload it here to indiedb and we will try it out. If it is something we like then we will include it in the next official release!

 (10 votes)
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