Tahomas | 2011-01-03 14:00

type in editmode /warerlod 0
nothing happens.
Try /waterlod 4
Msg: The valid range for Waterlod is 0...3

But what is waterlod?

I figured out that watersubdiv 0...3 change the distance between the waves.
You know these commands?

They are new for me...

I just want to straighten this out. When I go through the official Sauerbraten maps (also most of the ones you make on quad) I see a config file with tons of texture assignments. Is all of that really necessary?
Here's my point: When I made my maps in the past, I'd just use textures from the slot, modified them with vscroll, vscale and voffset whenever the need was there. To me it seems much simpler than writing a dozen lines of code every time I start a new map. By the time I've finished locating the directory of those textures I want (not to mention writing those down), I might've already changed my mind about the theme -.-
Now some people have told me that a config is necessary for official Sauerbraten maps, some tell me it isn't. Most aren't sure at all. The only thing I've used a config for up until now is to add sounds, my own textures or to name bases.
So, my question is: What other gain do I get from typing a whole config besides learning about configs? Because that alone doesn't seem to be worth it. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Also, I've heard a rumor that there would be some script which is supposed to write all used textures/models/ other assets into the config automatically? Now that would be dope, since it would save us all a great deal of work.
Thanks in advance.

Geo | 2010-11-19 16:21

Here is the problem... I've created my own simple jukebox. (which I will attach) It contains two menus. The main one that allows you to start from the beginning of the playlist, click on the song you want to play from, or call up the second menu. The second menu allows you to choose which directories are included in the playlist. The problem is, as the playlist gets longer the font size is automatically scaled down to show the whole list. I've tried placing guiautotab in various places (first comand in the newgui body, first in the guilist body, etc.) Eventually, I just created my own autotab function.

I've included both scripts in the zip file.

How it works... First off, I created a folder named "Music" in the "packages" folder. I then added all the music folders I might want to listen to. (Including a copy of "fanatic" so I can rename the files with the title.) Then, in each of these folders I place a file named "titles.cfg"
which contains the line 'songnames = "..." '. This allows you to choose which songs and in what order they are played. (I found a neat script in this forum that redid the playsong command that used "loopfiles" to automatically adjust the randomizer to any files added to "fanatic". But it would place them in alphabetical order only) Next, you add to your autoexec...
songdir = "..." // all the folders in Music
exec myjuke.cfg

this will bind the 'j' key to the new menus and define 'myjuke'
The first time you call up the menu it will send you to the second menu. Simply click on all the directories you want added to the playlist. then click 'done'
The main menu is self explanatory.

This does not stop the 'playasong' from executing with every load. Simply enter the console comand 'myjuke' and it will play the current song on the playlist.

Any help, comments, advice will be appreciated.
But, it may take me some time to get back to you.
Thanks in advanced

Djakk | 2010-11-04 17:17

I recently just started using Autodesk 3ds, and I am trying to create a set of new hudguns. I am also going to replace the sound files to make them more realistic.

Pistol: Desert Eagle
Rifle: Unsure
Chaingun: Assualt Rifle with undermount luancher; possibly ACR or similar
Grenades: Assualt Rifle Grenade undermount
Fist: unsure
Rockets: RPG (unsure with the visible rocket; It might look weird firing)
Shotgun: Unsure; possibly just a simple combat shotty

If anyone has any suggestions on the weapons, I am open to ideas. (If I feel they are worth something, I will post the finished products to Quad). I have just finished the design and texturing of a pistol replacement, which will be a Desert Eagle. Now to the part where I am stuck. First of all, does the size of the model on the program matter? Next, what would I essentially have to do to add in animation? Finally, how would I tie this into sauerbraten? Thanks for any help!

westjgames | 2010-10-15 01:14

Is it possible to make adjustable crosshairs? I realised that it is difficult to play without self-adjusting crosshairs for different weapons.

If there is a solution to this, how would I go about scripting this in?

Kretren | 2010-10-10 16:02
Mapmodel waterfalls needed
points ]
 (6 votes)

I'm making another map.. Well, same one I started in May.. And I've come to realize it needs some small waterfalls, similar in design to the ones used in bt_falls. Can anyone design these? I will show you what I've done in the map so you can fit it properly.

Also, I want to create a "push" feel to the waterfall, presumably through jumppads. I don't want the springy sound with these however; can I make another 'ent entry' so there are two jumppads ents, one with sound and one without?

Thanks in advance.


Hi all,

I've been playing cube2 for a while now, and I would like to create some maps. I've already have some floorplans of maps I want to make, but converting a floorplan into the sauerbraten editor is quite a chore. You have to measure and count cubes, and when the proportion is either too big or too small, you have to start all over. Which got me thinking...

A long time ago, there was a conversion tool for the original Quake, which could quickly generate a Quake map from a .BMP file. The program would build the map based on certain colors that represented walls, doors and 'windows'. The program is still available, see the screenshots of it here:


I was wondering if something like that is also available for Sauerbraten?

Now, I understand that a tool like that could never create a finished cube2 map, with textures and lights and everything. But.. it would be pretty handy tool for setting up a floor plan as a starting point for new maps. You could easily create .BMPs based on..

- maps from other games
- google maps
- the floorplan of your house
- any new map ideas

..to create the initial layout of a map as a starting point. Right away you would have the basic layout, the corridor and area sizes, building placements, all the relative distances etc. You can use that as a starting point to edit into a better and more complete sauerbraten map.


ps: Alternatively, another question I have is; is it possible to edit a sauerbraten map using only console commands? So maybe commands like "select x,y,z" and "raise x,y,z" or something like that. If so, I think I could write a bmp2scipt tool myself.

Anonymous | 2010-08-27 15:53
SauerEnhanced Justice Edition Port
points ]
 (10 votes)

Hello guys.

As you all know (i guess) i canceled SauerEnhanced and it's no longer under any development.
However i COULD port it's latest version to Justice Edition.
Let me know if it's worth it: if AT LEAST 15 people will want SauerEnhanced for Justice (post in comments) i will do everything i can to port and possibbly work on some patches in future.

So if you want it just post in comments and let me know if reviving this project is not worthless.

Best regards - Q009

Current votes: BlahBlahBlah/15

EDIT: Won...

Subversion URL: https://sauerenhanced.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sauerenhanced

Scnd101 | 2010-07-13 04:55
new gui skin mockup/icon
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 (11 votes)

I made a mockup for a gui skin, not sure if i'll actually make it, but i thought i'd share anyway. It doesn't work too well in real life, since the tabs need to be much taller (unless there's a way to change text positioning?) and the background tiles instead of stretching.

feel free to use the icon for anything :P

edit: mockup in proper resolution: http://i.imgur.com/bTqSr.png

Kretren | 2010-06-10 22:10
Sauer and Octree - what to do?
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 (6 votes)

I've been playing Halo again. Having seen the awesome architecture (imo) in a lot of parts, I'm inspired to make another map. However, I know I'm going to have to negotiate with the Cube 2 engine.

The engine is based on the octree, whereby cubes are split into 8 smaller cubes, which are each split into 8 others, and so on. I've been able to make pretty detailed work with it. But when it comes to making perfect, seamless work, this system is not adequate. For example, when two perpendicular, angled sides come together, they cannot seam together diagonally like on a picture frame; the best we can do in Sauer is "fold" the corner over. That's just one example, and it makes detailed architecture difficult, and decent landscaping near impossible. It also makes detailed cylinders damn near impossible.

I'm not experienced in graphics or anything. I've picked up almost everything I know from this engine, in fact. So I don't know exactly what it would take to create more 'seamless' objects in-game. Maybe it would take two different levels of rendering with different surfaces merging together, similar I imagine to how mapmodels work (again I won't claim to have expertise on the matter). But it wouldn't be a far stretch. My question is, is this feature omitted from the game for simplicity's sake (the game is characterized by being based almost entirely on the octree) or could it be included? I'm at the point where I can build really cool things, but the engine is starting to hold me back. I was considering mapmaking in Halo but I like this community enough to stay. That said, maybe we can import user-generated Halo mapfiles in?

Anyways, some thoughts. I know a new release is coming out soon and it would be really cool to showcase it with some sophisticated maps; not to throw stones at anyone's work, it's all great, but we know we're compensating for the limitations of the cubes.

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