KI113R | 2010-06-10 01:27

Okay! so im not totally sure its ok to do this but, I am requesting somone to help me with the creation of a map. its been a little over a year since I've created any content and to be honest with you, ive forgotten alot about editing and with how busy I am I dont have much time to learn it all. I know all of the basics and some more sophisticated stuff, however I need help with stuff like way points, clouds, a little help with lights and just somone to make the geometry load easier and somone to work with :)

I'm not a newb, I've had starred content and content (killcore3) featured in cube, disregard the stupid little skull next to my name xD

looking for somone with:

*stared content or content with 50 or more points
*long time experiance with cube
*good lighter
*works well with others
*all together good mapper
*knows more in depth editing

Please help, you wont be disapointed, I assure you.

EDIT: Please link your content, quads search tools suck xD (no offense)

Stumpy798 | 2010-03-25 15:16
Handgun Model | No textures
points ]
 (2 votes)

This is a handgun model i started making. I haven't gotten a chance to add textures to the model yet but here it is. :)

byte512 | 2010-03-24 14:00
I need help with using a glow texture
points ]
 (1 vote)

Hi everybody
I am currently creating a map that is really dark ("ambient" is set to "16 8 8").
Now I wanted to have some parts of the map covered with a glowing texture.
As glow textures I am using the textures available here:
Now my problem is that the brightness of those glowing textures is affected by the ambient value,
so it's not bright at all at the moment.

Is someone able to tell me, how to use those glowy textures from this package without having to change the ambient value?
Or am I doing something wrong?

regards, byte

I am somewhat new to scripting, but there is something I want to do in a single player map I'm creating that may or may not even be possible. I want a trigger to "enable", or "activate", or even "create" two entities, a teleport and a particle. Before the player activates the trigger, the entities must be "inactive" or maybe not even there.

I am familiar with the trigger test map from the cube wiki in which the command "beam_me" switches you into edit mode, places a teleport, and leaves edit mode, but this is hardly what I want to do. I don't want the player to enter edit mode, and I want the teleport and the entity to be placed in a specific spot, not right in front of you like in the trigger test map.

Is there some kind of script I can use to make a trigger activate an entity or place an entity in an exact location?

Anonymous | 2010-03-14 21:04

I use Linux Ubuntu and need a good software to reduce the file size of the screen shot and add multiple shots in one image is there anything out there?

Hi all. What i gotten so far is:

I have exported my model from blender to sauerbraten as an md3
(i have like 3 different exporters (md3, md3 + shaders, 16 oct md3 or something like that))
Is md3 the best file format to export and import for me? Will it make things more complicating?
Or will md2 or another one suffice?


Keep in mind that:

- I just want the model to appear in sauerbraten as a movable mapmodel
(wich i have managed so far)

- Optionally i want to be able to load skin.jpgs unto different parts of the mapmodel
(wich i have managed so far)

-This mapmodel should react to the sauerbraten lightning.
(wich i have NOT managed yet)
For now: my mapmodel WITHOUT skin.jpgs is just looking plane black,
no mather how many lights i put around it, no mather how many times i type /calclight or /patchlight
in sauerbraten. And WITH jpgs the skin.jpgs do appear, but they also do not react to the lights around them, wich makes the form of my mapmodel very very unclear.


How will i be able to solve my problem? That is: the mapmodel's form is unclear,
probably because my mapmodel is not responding to the surrounding lights.
How to make my mapmodel respond to the surrounding lights?

- Is it something that should be written in the map.cfg?
- Is it something that should be written in the md3.cfg?

- Is it because i faulty exported my model? Not clicked an option during exporting?
- Will it be solved by exporting in a different format?
- Will i have to add new stuff to my model in blender? Or delete stuff?

Basicly: what will i have to do?

Thank you very much for reading and or commenting!
Happy modelling and enjoying blender and sauerbraten!

Chasester_aka_you | 2010-02-19 19:54

Animation Falling From the Sky

Lets define some terms: READ FIRST

Fr: frame rate
Ss: user defined as the square size for the user particular movie
Wd: width
Ln: lenth
Cs: cube size--the size of the cube in a texture in pixles-- smallest 8x8
Px: pixel--one square of one color in a picture
Mts: Max texture size--the largest size that cube can import-- set at 4096 or 2^12.
Cell: defined as one piece (as a square) that displays part of the movie-- this will be later converted into a texture. 
Grid: defined as a set of cells (squares) that define one overall movie
Pixelated: the effect when you see little boxes of color. Like a low quality pic or mov
Pic: picture
Mov: Moive, Video, or other movie like multimedia
Multi piece texture movie: a movie divided with a grid creating cells which are imported into cube and pieced back together 
Min: Minutes 
st8-^2: a term which means a number greater than 8 and is a power of 2  (ie 8,16,32,64 ect)

Note: all cubes are 8x8 px and incress by *2 or st8-^2.
Note: Quick interpretation assumes that you have flash 8 or greater. If you do not have flash read below


Quick ez interpretation

    1:  Take a video and import into flash
    2:  Cut it into peices (based on the cart at the bottom)--you will divide your movie in a grid fashion--even pieces. 
    3:  Export each frame of each piece as a jpg or gif sequence
    4:  Make sure to but these in folders that are the piece number.
    5:  Make a new folder called current.
    6:  Take all the jpg from the folder 1 (the first piece or grid cell) and copy them in the current folder.
    7:  Then take all the pieces and lay them to make one texture (frame 1 upper left and last in lower right).
    8:  Export as jpg.
    9:  Now copy the jpgs from folder 2 and pasted them over the pics in folder current (over top the images in folder one
    10: Go to the library and select all the images 
    11: Right click and select refresh (I do believe)
    12: Export as jpg
    13: Do the above 4 steps until all the folders are done
    14: These are your textures.
    15: Take the textures and save them in a folder with your name on it.
    16: Make a config file with the map name.
    17: Define all the textures using the texture 0 command (i.e. texture 0 "myname/1.jpg" ... )
    18: Above the texture command define that the textures are using the Movie shader (the attatched file).
    19: Note you will have to exec the file on start so you can add the attached code to the bottom of the stdshader (data/stdshader).
    20: To define a shader put this code in: setshader MovieShader
    21: Note: the name MovieShader is dependent on what you name the attached code in the stdshader.cfg
    22: Now that the shader is set make sure to set the vars that are defined in comments (look at the code)
    23: The textures should work like all other textures. So simply line them in order and they should look good 

See example: CFE's Movie Map
This was set by Chris, using my article (and my help) :)

Tips And Tricks

☻ When making the first texture, use the align functions (window-align). Lay down all the horizonals then use the distribute command. Then group each row and distribute vertically. Note: make sure that the top and bottoms are perfectly aligned before you distribute or you will have gaps.
☺ Before exporting each image piece (or cell) of the movie change the stage size to the size you need this way you dont make to much or to little.
☻ Use the properties window to change the x y wd ln (this will make it more accurate.
☺ Export as jpg sequence not gif sequence (gif has a lower color depth--which means less colors to choose from-- it will make it look pixelated).
☻ Dont export at a fps lower then 12 or higher then 30.

Without Flash

Use any program that allows you to edit movies. Windows Media Player will work:
    1: Import the movie into the program.
    2: Start on the first frame and export each frame.
    3: Note if you want to have multi piece texture movie you will have to divide the movie before you export.
    4: Put each piece into a different folder. 
    5: Go to a pic edit program (use gimp--its free)
    6: Import all the pictures in one folder.
    7: Lay the pics out--first frame upper left--last frame lower right.
    8: Export as a jpg.
    9: repeat steps 7-8 until there are no more folders.

Start at step number 14.

Graph And Cells For Your Movie

Note: this is a graph that you need to look at.
First find the length of your movie in min.

   ln	        px x px
140 min	        8 x 8
9 min	        32 x 32
34 sec	        128 x 128
2 sec	        512 x 512

Now you need to figure out how much space you want your animation to take in cube. Take a grid size according to the cart and plot out the space you want the movie to cover in cube.

Ss     ingame grid size number
8                1
32               2
128              3
512              4
♪ The easiest way to find your grid size is to scroll down your grid size to the bottom (g + downscroll) thats 1. 1 g + upscroll is 2 and one more 3 etc.
♫ Now count how many wd you want. Count the number of cells in game. These will translate to the same grid cells when doing the process.

Figure out the ratio of your movie 16:9 (rectangle) or 5:4 (square). Note it is best to use something that 9 or 4 can fit in. You need to figure out how many height that is. So simply divide your in game cell count by the width ratio and multiply by the hieght ratio---

ht = wd
N    gc

Note N is the ht count and gc is the ingame count.
If you do not know how to do this simply cross multiply here


If your in game count is 8 cells and you are working with 5:4 ratio. If i 8/4*5 i get 10. Now i need to put a 10x8 grid over my video and then render each cell separately.

If now your in game count is 18 cells and you are working with 16:9 ratio. If i 18/9*16 i get 32. Now i need to put a 32x18 grid over my video and then render each cell separately.

Note: YOU MUST come out with an even number-- you can not half a cell-- it would be a pain in the @$$ :)



We need to take a picture and convert it to a movie. To do this we must trick the mind by flashing images by the eyes at such a rate that it looks like it is moving. Cube does not allow us to use any file type but image files. So we must use some type of code to solve the problem.


To solve the problem we must use a combination of code and texture format. Baby Rabbit came up with the code. Now we must apply the code to the texture.

The Code

To understand how to make a format for the code we must understand the code. The code takes an image scales it to a section (starting in the top left corner) of the texture and displays this area. Then it moves one cell over (cell means a distance of x value). When it reaches the end of the row it down one cell and back to the left side. Thus sliding thru the texture. If we can do this fast enough then we can trick the mind to think that it is a movie.


So what we need to do is to make our movies frames line up with the frame that the code displays. So we simply line frame 1 next to frame 2 etc until we get to the end of the texture and then we drop down and go to the left side and continue. We do this until the image is done.

Max Size Problem

Cube has a make size of 4096px. This does not seem like a problem until you have to display 30 images a second. To solve this we are going to cut our video into pieces. We will call these cells or pieces. These cells get exported as separate textures so that we do not reach above are make texture space. The smaller each cell the longer the image can go on. The cap is around 1hr 1/2 at about 30 fps. But if we divide it up too much we will run into the problem that we have too many textures to lay out which becomes a nightmare. It is best advised to keep your movies less then 9 min, because a game is only 10 or 15 min long and if you use 9 you can stay in the 2 grid size which will make it easier.

Charts and Graphs

Ok so to explain the tables and how they work and how i got the numbers.
First chart:

   ln	        px x px
140 min	        8 x 8
9 min	        32 x 32
34 sec	        128 x 128
2 sec	        512 x 512

The formula is:
Ss: squ size
Ms: max size
Fr: frame rate
60: because there are 60 seconds in a min
The formula takes the Ms which is a const set at 4096 and divides by a Ss. Ss is a set of the following: Ss[8,32,128,512]. These are st8-^2. This gives you how many Ss's you can fit in a strait row down your texture, but a square has two sides. So we square the sides because the sides of a square are equal. Thus more or less we found the area of the cube as the Ss was the unit of measurement. Then we divide by the fr. This is because we need to know how many images we need to display in one second. Now we have the amount of seconds that we can run our video, we divide by 60, cuz there are 60 sec in a min. Note: to find hours divide by 60 again.
Second chart:

Ss     ingame grid size number
8                1
32               2
128              3
512              4

This comes from the cube code. This is simply the amount of px that each texture takes when a particular grid size is used.


The above should give you a complete understanding of the medthod in which you create movies. If you have any question post them, if you have any areas of the explaination you would like me to expond opon leave a comment. If you have question about programs (other than flash) to use for this process, leave a comment. :0 And if you have any ways to improve the process please comment. 


Your Humble Master

joshd666 | 2010-02-11 02:59
A drivable car
points ]
 (3 votes)

I would like to make this, do you think i can use lite-C?

I have this car script I wrote a while ago in lite-C, and today I wondered if I could implement it into Sauerbraten.


Calinou | 2010-01-28 13:14

Waypointing your maps for bots

1. Start your map in coop-edit mode. [/coop (mapname)] (if it's a map with bases or flags, choose capture or ctf, you can)

2. type /aidebug 6, then /dropwaypoints 1

3. Optionnaly, you can change max waypoint seeing distance with /showwaypointsradius (value, default 200).

4. Run in all the map, go on playerstarts and team playerstarts, ammo, bases, flags (avoid floating flags !!), avoid jumping while unnecessary. [do not weapon jump and take too risks]

5. When it's good, type /savewaypoints
Tip : You have 2 maps with same geometry but not same textures or entities ? type /savewaypoints (mapname)

6. Type /aidebug 0 and /dropwaypoints 0


Enjoy !

Mapping with /skytexture 0

1. Go in edit mode and type /skytexture 0

2,3,4. By default clip does not clip projectiles and shots. To do weapon clip (anti-camp), create a skytexture-0-textured block and noclip it. To do player and weapon clip, simply create a skytexture-0-textured block.


Enjoy !

TOG | 2010-01-10 18:09
how to get advice on map I'm making?
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 (1 vote)

Hi. I've got a map which is probably 90% done. I'd appreciate some considered advice on a couple things related to it.

Is my best bet to package the map and submit it here as an 'Alpha' build, or should I make an arrangement timewise to hang out in co-op edit with folk from here?

Any help appreciated



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