The site maintains a strict policy of only having content that is of value to the public in some way. Content should be thoroughly worked on before submission, and a node will be unpublished if something remains seriously wrong with it for a long period of time.
Refer to the Packaging Guide for information on how to fix this.
Maps that used to be listed as "Multiplayer" are now listed as "Deathmatch". This is a minor but overdue change which provides useful detail to the map-type list. I've added "Capture" and "CTF" types... I mulled it over in my mind, and every other solution involved adding a laundry-list of taxonomy names (which would all appear at the top of every node they applied to)... so instead, I focussed on compatibility, as I did at the beginning.
If you've uploaded any maps as "multiplayer" for which the designation "CTF" or "Capture" would be more appropriate than their new designation "Deathmatch", it would be appreciated if you'd go and change that (where CTF is ActionCube's CTF mode, and Capture is Sauer's Dom-style Capture mode).
edit: also, because of Digital Spaghetti's nice "Cheatsheet", I've added a (very small) space for uploading data as part of stories and guides.
edit2: I've set up a new, better Search page!
edit3: Attention ActionCube mappers: If your AC map works in all AC multiplayer modes, please tag it as both Deathmatch and CTF.
read more for further discussion of these decisions.